Matt R. Transformation
1. What were your initial goals when you started the program?
Lean out and learn how to properly fuel myself.
2. Did you achieve your initial goals? If so, what contributed to your ability to achieve your desired goals?
Yes, and more! Tyler's attentiveness and understanding of my goals provided focused feedback on where to focus, and how to improve.
3. Describe the most impactful parts of your individual experience with NHP. What was the best part of the program?
I now have a much better relationship and understanding around food. I'm able to anticipate what the effects of eating off plan will do and allow me to have a healthy risk/reward analysis. The best part was how well rounded and personalized it is. It's not fitting you into a preset, it's a thoughtful personalized plan that is highly customizable as you progress in your health journey.
4. What would you tell someone considering signing up for the program?
If you take care to commit to the program, the program will take care of you.