Daniel T. Transformation

1. What were your initial goals when you started the program?

I had been doing CrossFit style workouts for more than 3 years and realized that while I was getting stronger and in better shape, I was not seeing any weight loss and was in fact still gaining weight that was not muscle mass. Primarily I had adopted the "I worked out today so I can eat what I want" mentality. Knowing that my nutrition would have to be adjusted seemed an incredibly daunting task so I kept putting it off. I wanted to learn how to manage my nutritional needs in a way that allowed me to eat food that I enjoy while also seeing the results of a healthier body and not carrying around a lot of extra weight. When I hit the highest weight I had ever experienced I knew it was time to take action and learn the skills that would allow me to achieve a better weight and maintain it for the rest of my life.

2. Did you achieve your initial goals? If so, what contributed to your ability to achieve your desired goals?

Yes, and more! Tyler provided us with insights into what foods would provide the best options for achieving my goals. He gave us the tools that allowed us to measure results daily while also tracking the food I was eating and provided us with real time accountability throughout the process. Calories consumed versus calories burned is a basic truth to weight loss, but the information Tyler provided me went so much deeper than just calories. It was where those calories needed to come from in order to maximize weight loss without sacrificing all the muscle I had developed in the gym.

3. Describe the most impactful parts of your individual experience with NHP.

It's easy to talk about nutrition. It's entirely different to be passionate about not only what you eat but how your sleep, stress level and other activities may be hindering your body from achieving the best performance at any age or activity level. Tyler's approach to providing the best plan that is tailored to my goals was huge. He also helped me to realize that my goals weren't specific enough and in most cases were set too low. He also didn't shame me when I went off plan during the process. He brought it to my attention, explained the consequences of what those choices could be and then moved on to the next topic. Really a great accountability that allowed me the freedom to make the choices that I needed to make in order to achieve the results I wanted to achieve.

4. What was the best part of the program?

Realizing that 225 lbs. is my new starting point to continue discovering what my ultimate health goals are. I realize that I have the ability to measure and diagnose any setbacks easily and make adjustments quickly in order to get back on course.

5. What would you tell someone considering signing up for the program?

Do it. Follow the program. If it worked for me anyone can do it.


Bobby P. Transformation


Matt R. Transformation