Meet Tyler Nicholson

Meet Tyler, the founder of Nicholson Human Performance. In 2011, he transitioned from healthcare consulting to the fitness industry due to frustrations with the limitations of our healthcare system. He opened 214 Athletics, a boutique gym, where he worked with thousands of clients for twelve years, helping them transform their lives. Tyler's holistic approach to fitness focused on weight loss, health optimization, pain resolution, and building confidence. Through extensive research and expertise in human movement, he became a specialist in resolving pain, injuries, and health conditions. This expertise laid the foundation for Nicholson Human Performance, where Tyler and his team continue to empower individuals to reach new levels of physical and emotional well-being.

The Purpose of NHP

Break Free from Fitness Fads & Embrace Proven Methods

At NHP, we stand firmly for truth in fitness. Our industry is often plagued by marketing gimmicks and sales tactics, chasing after the latest fads in search of profits. We distinguish ourselves by providing authentic, evidence-based information about what truly works, what doesn't, and why. We pride ourselves on cutting through the noise and presenting our clients with reliable, no-nonsense guidance.

We understand that transforming your habits and lifestyle to improve your health and fitness can be challenging. With over a decade of successful experience, we have the expertise to guide you effectively. When working with us, you'll face challenges, but you'll never have to question whether you're on the right path. We provide clear direction and unwavering support, ensuring that you achieve your goals and experience lasting change.