Jen’s Transformation

Jen (33yo) got interested in joining the Holistic Transformation Program through her husband Brad who was one of our program design and rehab clients. She was most interested in learning how to optimize her nutrition now so she could avoid any potential weight gain as she got older. She also wanted to resolve her chronic and uncomfortable acid reflux as well as get a handle on why she frequently felt bloated after her meals.

While she didn’t have a weight loss goal, she was able to lean out significantly uncovering significant abdominal and arm definition. She discontinued her acid reflux medications and learned how to travel for work and pleasure without feeling bloated or sluggish.

“My favorite thing about working with Tyler and seeing his approach not just with me but with everyone on the calls is seeing how full of shit all of us are. If I take one thing away from this, it is a reduction in bull shit tolerance with myself and others.

I notice now in life and work when people explain why a thing can’t happen, I think about the question I know Tyler would ask. He’d spin it around to reveal the obstacle at hand isnt an obstacle, it’s a choice of being prepared or taking the sidestep required to make the thing happen.

Our excuses are just our crutch for being too lazy to put in the effort for change. If nothing changes, nothing changes.”


Rich’s Transformation


Brad’s Transformation