Your New Secret Weapon: The Holistic Transformation Program

Let's get right to it... 

Are you going to be our next client success story? 

I built the Holistic Transformation Program to give people the tools to take complete control of their health and fitness.  By learning what actually works when it comes to nutrition, exercise strategy, supplementation, sleep optimization and more clients are looking and feeling better in their 30s, 40s, and 50s than they have ever before. 

What Is It?

The HTP is a 12-week online course that leads participants through building habits that drive rapid change.  It includes an in-depth educational curriculum delivered in bite sized weekly segments with lots of one on one coaching to provide accountability, individualization, and support.  

We teach the fundamental and powerful levers of anti-inflammatory food, exercise, macronutrients, sleep, hydration, exercise, supplementation, calorie deficits, reverse dieting, and more. 

Who is it for?

We’re looking for clients that want a step change in their health and fitness level.  This can present as a desire to lose weight, improve energy levels, resolve bloating, acid reflux, and GI issues, improve blood markers of health, eliminate hypertension or pre-diabetes, and generally be in the best shape of your life. 

Whether you want to lose 50 lbs or optimize your athletic performance, this program will take your fitness game to the next level. 

Why did we build it?

While it’s common to hear the phrase “diet and exercise” cited as a solution to many modern health issues, there aren’t readily accessible directions on specifically what actions to take if you want change.  So many of our potential clients are already putting in effort to be healthier, but just aren’t seeing a return on that investment. 

We teach the fundamental mechanisms of health and fitness that are at play in any diet or workout program so you can make intelligent decisions based on your values. 

This is not dogma. The HTP presents indisputable facts of fitness based on physiology, biochemistry, and physics.

What can you expect from the Program?

Most participants lose a significant amount of weight and experience improved energy levels in just the first two weeks of the program.  

By four weeks you can expect to be sleeping better and most GI issues will have improved or completely disappeared.

At the six week mark you’ll understand macronutrients as a powerful lens through which to see food as well as how to tailor exercise to your personal goals.  Hint: almost nobody is exercising optimally for the changes they want.

When you get to 8 weeks into the program weight loss is happening at a steady, rapid, and predictable rate.  The scale will work for you, not the other way around. The days of hating the scale will permanently be behind you. 

As the program comes to a close at the 12-week mark participants are looking more like themselves in the mirror, their energy is through the roof, GI issues are a thing of the past, sleep is restful and restorative, and they have an unshakable feeling of control over their body, fitness, and relationship with food. 

Big weight loss goals take time, so after the program ends we offer the option to continue with one on one coaching at whichever level of engagement gives you the support, accountability, and accessibility that make the most sense for your ambitions and preferences.  We don’t leave anyone high and dry at the end of 12 weeks.

How to Start

If you're interested, but have questions, the next step is to book a free consultation where we can learn about you, address your concerns, and see if you're a fit for the program.  

Click here to book your time slot

Want to see some results?  

Check out our client success stories


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