Who We Want To Work With

One of the undeniable facts of training people is that you can’t do the work for them.  

I ran a CrossFit gym for more than ten years, and over that time period we saw countless life changing transformations. People would come in out of shape or without any prior athletic experience, and they would slowly, over time, sculpt themselves into elite levels of fitness. 

For this to happen, they had to be willing to do the work.

The secret to elite athleticism is a trio of unwavering consistency, a hunger to make a change, and plan. If you could bring the first two, we had the third in spades.

It takes a commitment to showing up, on good days and bad, and doing the work. Those looking for a shortcut just didn’t have the patience it took to let the big changes happen.  A mindset of “this is going to be challenging, but I’m capable of meeting that challenge” almost guaranteed success.

That same mindset is what I look for during consultations for the Holistic Transformation Program. Our most successful participants have the following things in common: 

  • They have goals ambitious enough that it makes them a little anxious to think about.

  • They’re strongly uncomfortable in the present with their body, energy levels, or health.

  • They’re frustrated with not seeing results commensurate with their efforts. 

  • They say things like “just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it” 

And I gotta say that the last one is almost a guarantee that the person I’m talking to is about to experience a life changing shift. 

To be clear, we’re not looking for perfection, we’re looking for effort. Nobody has ever been perfect throughout our programs, and it hasn’t stopped wild levels of success.  We want participants that take direction, execute with intent, and genuinely want more for themselves.  

The results we can confidently say we provide with consistency are:

  • Long term sustainable weight loss of 30-200lbs

  • Complete resolution of hypertension, acid reflux, IBS, and pre-diabetes

  • Meaningful improvement in blood markers including cholesterol, HbA1c, fasting blood glucose, and testosterone levels

  • Significant increases in daily energy levels, mental clarity, sleep quality, and recovery metrics like resting heart rate, HRV, and more. 

If you’re curious, but not quite sure if the program is a fit, take the next step and book a coaching consultation. We’ll spend 45min going in depth about what you’d like to be different as well as presenting how we would guide you to make those changes.  

When we have a good fit to work together, you’ll know, and you can get started right away.  If you’re not a fit for the program, we’ll try to give you some free guidance on what to do next to make progress toward your goals.  

We’re looking for who’s going to be our next big success story.  Who knows, it might be you...


What if corporate wellness didn’t suck. 


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