What is a Holistic Approach

We built the Holistic Transformation Program to give people like you the tools to be in control of your health and fitness.  The word holistic to us means intervention through lifestyle habits like what you eat, how you exercise, and when you sleep.  

It means taking action to prevent health problems before they arise instead of waiting to get sick and reacting. Perhaps most importantly though, it means YOU are in control of your health and fitness. You can make decisions for yourself based on your values and not cede control to your doctor or other healthcare practitioner. 

Health and fitness are not something that come from pills or visits with your physician.  They’re a product of your everyday habits.  What you eat each day, how much you exercise, and when you sleep are by far the most powerful tools any of us have to improve our overall health.  

There are reliable evidence based ways you can not just lose weight, but put yourself in your dream body.  By losing body fat and adding muscle you will not just look great, but improve your energy levels and confidence while dramatically reducing your risk of chronic disease.  

You can eliminate bloating and GI issues, clear up your skin problems, and get off your CPAP.  Even elimination of hypertension, prediabetes, and acid reflux are straightforward with a holistic approach.  

It’s habits over pills and medications. And it’s powerful. If you know how, you can feel totally different in as little as two weeks.

A holistic approach means you’re treating the root causes of the diseases, not just ameliorating the symptoms.  Holistic prevention is always preferable to medical intervention when possible.  It’s less risky, less painful, less inconvenient, and less expensive.   

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  Wouldn’t you rather eliminate the risk of Type II diabetes by changing what you eat now versus managing the disease later in life? Diabetes medications only slow the progression and reduce the symptoms, they’re not a cure.  Might that mean less cake and candy today? It might.  For some of us that’s a desirable tradeoff to avoid managing an expensive and painful disease for the rest of our life. 

Also, did your doctor ever tell you high blood pressure is curable? Permanently. Yes, even for those with genetic predisposition.  The fix is in your food, sleep, and exercise.  While there are medications that can reduce the symptoms of high blood pressure the only real cure is holistic. 

Lastly, a Holistic approach puts you in control. As a good friend once said, relying on your doctor to interpret what’s happening with your body is like having your priest read the bible for you.  While doctors are incredibly valuable when you’re sick, they do not have the tools to guide you to optimal health and fitness.  Doctors treat disease. We teach a holistic approach. 

Doctors are like lifeguards and trainers are like swim coaches. If you need a lifeguard a swim coach won’t help. But if you do need a lifeguard, chances are at some point you needed a swim coach and didn’t get one.  

By learning specifics about how to eat, sleep, and exercise, you can make better decisions that leave you in control of not just your overall health, but how you look and feel day to day.  You’ll be able to choose what habits are worth it to you and which aren’t to better align your values with your actions, leaving you feeling in control of your body. 

In conclusion, a holistic approach  is about empowering you to take charge of your health through actionable, evidence-based habits. Rather than waiting for health issues to arise, this approach gives you the tools to prevent them by addressing the root causes—your daily choices in food, exercise, and sleep. This is not just about avoiding disease; it's about achieving a level of health and fitness that allows you to live your best life, free from the need for constant medical interventions.

By choosing a holistic approach, you're choosing to be proactive, to take control of your health, and to live in a way that aligns with your values. It's about more than just avoiding illness; it's about thriving. Whether you're looking to shed pounds, gain muscle, eliminate chronic issues, or simply feel more energized and confident, the power is in your hands. The path to lasting health isn’t paved with pills or quick fixes, but with the consistent, intentional habits you build every day.

We believe that with the right guidance and commitment, you can transform not only your body but your entire outlook on health. This is your journey, and with a holistic approach, you're not just a passenger—you're the driver.


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