How to get results of Ozempic without the horrors

So by now it’s clear, ozempic and other GLP-1 drugs are working effectively for weight loss. What you might not hear about are the side effects or what happens when you stop taking it.  

Did you know that most people taking ozempic suffer from nausea, frequent vomiting, substantial muscle loss, and severe GI issues (that can be permanent)? There also seems to be a risk of thyroid cancer, but we don’t yet have any longitudinal studies, so there’s a lot we don’t know. 

All of this seems a steep price to pay considering if you ever STOP taking the drug the most likely outcome is that you’ll gain back all the weight you lost, plus a bit more. 

A Faustian bargain if I’ve ever seen one.  

What if I told you there’s a way to get similar results, feel better not worse, and have your efforts create positive, sustainable, and  life long changes? Check out the 5 actions you can take below.

GLP-1 drugs drive weight loss by slowing gastric emptying which keeps you feeling satiated and reduces feelings of hunger.  Not surprisingly, this leads to a lower caloric intake and subsequently weight loss. 

Here are some other habits you can adopt that will similarly keep you from getting hungry without the nasty side effects. .

  1. More and better sleep - Short duration and poor quality sleep reduce leptin (a satiety hormone) and increase ghrelin (a powerful hunger hormone) leaving you hungry when you otherwise wouldn’t be.  It also increases carb cravings while simultaneously destroying insulin sensitivity leaving your blood sugar levels dangerously high. Take Action: A consistent bedtime that allows for a full 8 hours of lights out wil give you a shot at 7+ hours of sleep, a good minimum.  Add a a 60min window prior to bedtime without any screentime and you’ll not only fall asleep faster but have less disrupted sleep throughout the night

  2. Eat 1g of protein per pound of body weight per day. Yes, it’s a lot. Yes, it works. The role of protein is to provide essential amino acids for all the daily processes your body performs. Anything left over supports and repairs lean muscle mass, otherwise it gets eliminated. Protein also provides the most satiety per calorie keeping you more full than either fats or carbs would.  Take Action: Divide your body weight in pounds by 7.5 (there’s roughly 7.5g of protein per ounce of most meats) and that’s the ounces of chicken, fish, lean beef, lean pork, etc you should be eating per day. If it feels like too much at first, stick with it. Your body and metabolism will adjust favorably to the increased intake within a matter of days. 

  3. Stay well hydrated. Thirst is commonly mistaken for hunger. Those that are better hydrated snack less and naturally achieve better calorie balance Take Action:  A gallon of water a day is a great starting point for most of us, but that’s only half the battle. You should add salt to your water, or a sodium heavy electrolyte supplement like LMNT (Raspberry is our favorite flavor). Without minerals like sodium, magnesium, and potassium dissolved in your water much of it is passing right through you without being assimilated. And no, salt does not cause high blood pressure.

  4. Space meal times 3-5 hours apart. Spacing your meals out evenly throughout the day improves satiety and since you’re not getting hungry, other food quality choices. Think about it. What was the first thing you ate the last time you went 8 hours without a meal? I’m willing to bet it wasn’t the healthiest choice. Take Action: Take your protein intake from #2 and divide it by 4 to get your protein portion per meal. Then add plenty of vegetables and fruits, maybe a little healthy fats like olive oil or nuts 

  5. Stop the HIIT and cardio. Long duration cardio or short intense HIIT / CrossFit workouts feel great and do burn calories, but they don’t burn anywhere near the amount that you’re likely to eat afterwards from the increase in hunger signaling these types of training cause.  Take Action: Walking provides critical low intensity movement that makes just about every system in your body work better.  It’s like brushing your teeth. Do it every day. Lifting weights preserves muscle mass and builds strength without causing a massive hunger spike like the higher intensity workouts.


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