The Problem With Fitness Social Media

Here's the problem with social media fitness content as I see it:

Almost everyone I talk to these days is getting some kind of health or fitness information from social media. Yet why are so few seeing the changes and results they’re looking for?

The problem, in my opinion, isn’t bad information. Most of what I see on Instagram, X, and Facebook is actually pretty good information. The problem I see is cardinality, or more specifically, a complete lack of it.  

What’s MOST important? What should you do first?  If you only do a couple things, what should they be?

Get this right and you’ll see results, your motivation will go up, your journey continues.  Get it wrong and your efforts don’t deliver, you get discouraged, and probably go back to what you were doing before. 

If you’re like me, you probably see posts with messages that tell you that you should: 

  • Take a magnesium supplement because it’s incredibly important for so many bodily processes and will radically change how you feel! 

  • Lift heavy weights, and in particular to do this one exercise called the bulgarian split squat that will help you build muscle and stop knee pain! 

  • Start your day by getting sunlight as soon as you can to set your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep later that day!

All of this is great information, but it’s easy to be quickly overwhelmed.  How do you prioritize? Nobody has the time, money, or energy to do everything they’re seeing come across their feed. At some point you’re going to have to pick and choose where to invest your resources, and if that investment doesn’t pay big dividends it’s going to leave you discouraged and frustrated.

Which of these domains has the most power to drive change for YOU? Is it supplements, exercise selection, sleep habits, nutritional approach, red light therapy, cold baths, meditation, or something else entirely? 

Answering this critical question of prioritization is something we do exceptionally well with the Holistic Transformation Program.

We've distilled the sea of fitness information down to the essentials and prioritized them in order of “bang for your buck”. What’s going to give you the biggest improvement relative to the effort you put in? 

In our experience, when someone starts a new approach to their fitness, if they experience dramatic changes that are clearly identifiable, in a short period of time, their motivation skyrockets.  

This starts the snowball rolling downhill. Once someone realizes they CAN do it, they dig in even harder and the results tend to compound.  Our typical clients lose a bunch of weight in the first couple weeks while their energy jumps through the roof and their GI issues go away. By that point they’re paying attention and want more. 

Here’s how we prioritize the first half of the Holistic Transformation Program, based entirely on the power of each area to drive meaningful change in health and fitness: 

  1. Food Quality - Changing what you’re eating from a haphazard to a completely anti inflammatory diet.

  2. Meal Prep - This has everything to do with sustaining and maintaining Step 1. Consistency and sustainability are critical to making life changing habit adjustments.

  3. Sleep - Nobody is sleeping as well as they think, and there’s huge power in excellent sleep. Sleep better and life gets better in every way. 

  4. Exercise - The right training program aligned with your goals takes the parking brake off your results. You don’t need to spend two hours in the gym if you’re being efficient. 

  5. Supplements - While not as powerful as food, the right supplements are relatively cheap and REALLY move the needle. Which ones are worth it?

  6. Macronutrients and Energy intake - Learning how to quantify what’s going into your body through the food hole will change forever how you look at what you eat and leave you feeling in total control 

We use this order because it works with our clients to create change, maximize buy in, and improve the outcomes for everyone we work with.  Will this order work for you personally? It depends on your own personal circumstance, what you want to be different, and your level of commitment to making a change. 

Answering these questions is one of the important things we do during our free consultations.  We’ll be honest with you about whether you’re a good fit or not. And even if we don’t work together, we’ll try to leave you with new tools to accomplish your goals.  

CLICK HERE  to get us on your schedule for a friendly chat! 


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